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Zoey, 30

A little bit about me

Hi there!

I love to travel, laugh & have fun , and I enjoy meeting new people :)

I am a short, athletic women, with perfect figure 8 curves, and perky natural 36D breast. I have a southern-Italian bubble booty! I am very clean with a pearly white smile.

I have a free spirit and I love to travel! I enjoy road trips, camping and nature. Together they make for a nice adventure :)

I'm single 3 years now. It's so peaceful and freeing!

It's time to make fantastic new memories with new friends- with no strings attached, yet with potential for a long term connections.

I love to eat! My favorite dates include a meal together. Fancy or home cooked, or even take out from the local family owned diner after a scenic hike! I'm also a fan of wine and green herbs! I enjoy coffee or tea time, and yummy treats, as well.

Variety is the Spice of Life!

Personal Details

Age 30

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