The Sex Workers Project provides legal and social services to sex workers; including escorts, massage girls and sugar babies.
We are here to help all in policy, media advocacy, community education and human rights documentation. We are constantly involved in trying to create a world that is safe for all sex workers.
Legalise Sex Work Now!
Both Amnesty International and The World Health Organization support legalising prostitution.
Help For Women Forced Into Prostitution
If you or anyone you know needs help to turn their life around, we are here to help.
Getting Out Of Prostitution — With Help From Women Who've Been There
Many sex workers, escorts, massage girls and hookers have trouble getting out because they have no family support. An organization called TREASURES provides these women with a safety net that includes support groups, peer mentoring, education, job counseling, and sometimes even child care.
Should the men who hire escorts and prostitutes be arrested and charged in the same way that women are?
It’s rare to see a grown man cry. But in a hotel room near a Chicago airport, more than a dozen men are led out by cops with wet cheeks and quivering lips. No one had died, no national tragedy had occurred— they had just been caught trying to buy sex. Try explaining that to your wife!