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Krystal, 23


A little bit about me


Before your in complete shock!!! Yes I am THE Krystal Ka$h The one you see in movies Due to everyone trying to steal my pictures I will always verify for you!!!

I have been on and off in the Porn industry since July 1, 2019 Due to my Twitter being suspended/Covid I haven't been as active! But I do hope to change my look and style and jump back in!

I was titled Avn's "California Girl with a Sunshine Smile" for a reason and I pride myself on brightening everyone's day!

I love to sing! Music is Important to me the Medical Field is a Passion and my Career is just freaking fun! So take a chance and take off your

I do ask for some type of screening for my safety and yours! Please ask and Don't Hesitate to Txt me at all Hrs I'm a Night Owl

Personal Details

Age 23

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Please let me know that you saw my ad on Escort Directory
