Search for independent escorts

Dani Mae, 33

A little bit about me

-----------SERIOUS CALLERS ONLY!!!------

---Don't Waste My Time- I will Never Waste Yours----ALL Pics 100% Recent- Free if its not me!

---TEXT--NAME,AGE,SERVICE & TIME, NEW/SEEN B4 --No "wyd,r u availble,hey,whats up"- No Xplicit Texting- No Endless Chit Chat--

----PLEASE give ETA & DONT LEAVE ME HANGIN!!-- --Come when you say and or a simple cancel/llate text is so very appreciated. Many others are waiting to show up when you dont---

----COME CLEAN & CORRECT $$- My shower is available just lmk ahead of time - Pay Full Upfront--(Extra Deal using Transfers & must be sent as 'Friends & Family'- w/ Note- 'B-Day') ---------


Mention Private Delights for Lil' xtra Treat..


---- SERVICES---- --

---*Short & Simple -- * A lil' quickie, when you don't have much time, but need ease your mind
---*Xclusive Xperience --=Start w/ massages using an all natural infused oil to ignite our pheremones & intensify our sexual senses.. -
-*Kiss & Cuddle -- Better than a GF- Satisfy the needs of having that skin to skin in the bed MINUS the clingy strings nagging & ruining the mood .
---*Blow'n' Smoke-Party like a RocKstar -or- Blow the 420 Clouds- BYO-

--*Fetish Friendly my Curves & Suck my Dirty toes...& So much more to explorei -- *some fetishes may be extra &/or require a prior consultation*

**(-consultation-mayb *paid for discussion of all explicit details, requests & session specifics discussed /biiiii be sure theres a mutual understanding making for a smoother more satisfying experirence )



NO ANAL- Non-submissive-
No Dick Picks- No Bad Hygeine- No Trades-
No Law- No Pimps- No Lowballers-
No-Shows & Timewasters Will be Blocked
ONE Warning for Any Disrespect or Boundries Pushed
Session will End Immediatley-- No Refunds

Mention Private Delights for Lil' xtra Treat..





Personal Details

Age 33

Call me


Please let me know that you saw my ad on Escort Directory


Shoot me a message and I promise I’ll reply!

Shoot me a message and I promise I’ll reply!

Hey guys I’m Kelly, a girl who has a lust for life and a lust to please men. I am always in the mood for sex.