“When people hear that you used to be a gymnast,” Karina says, “they have certain expectations. I can’t say I really blame them, even though sometimes those expectations aren’t realistic. I mean, think about it. Why is women’s gymnastics so popular? For the same reason that women’s volleyball is popular. You’ve got these incredibly toned, sexy athletes in tight costumes, little tiny costumes, and they’re putting their bodies through their paces, sweating and exerting themselves. What man wouldn’t be turned on by that? What man wouldn’t want to feel his hands sliding over the kind of toned and muscular body that a female athlete has put so much time into developing? That’s every guy’s fantasy. Well, I have that kind of body, although I don’t do gymnastics anymore. And of course I still have a lot of that same flexibility. Flexibility is another thing that guys fantasize about, because when they’re with a woman, they want a woman who can really give her all to the experience. Someone who can do wild things and who won’t have any physical limitations to hold her back. That’s a reality that the fantasy doesn’t always match, at least with some girls. I’m proud of the fact that when you’re with me, the fantasy always matches the reality. I can rock anybody’s world with the things my body can do. It’s a point of pride with me. That’s why I do yoga now, to stay flexible and strong and toned. A lot of the girls on staff here do yoga and sometimes we go to the same classes. There are always guys in yoga classes. More than you might think, in fact. And I like to make sure my girlfriends and I are right up front where those guys can see us, where they really appreciate our yoga pants and the skintight contours of those outfits. I figure any guy who is willing to put the time and work in deserves a little reward. I’m happy to be that reward, even it just means letting some guy stare at my butt while I’m on all fours during a yoga class.”
Karina admits that pampering herself is how she “resets” after a long week of work. “The party lifestyle we live can be pretty demanding,” she says. “It’s important that you have a way to decompress, to sort of come down after a long week of just partying your face off, drinking and dancing and enjoying yourself. Some of the girls who sign on can’t handle the endless party and they burn out fast. You can kind of see it coming. They go whole hog at first, and just grind away for a few weeks having the time of their lives. But if you let it, this lifestyle will wear you down, and you’ll start to show the signs of it. You’ll start to come in just dragging yourself around and you won’t look as good as you should for your dates. When that happens, it isn’t long before that girl moves on to some other job. I’m always sad to see them go, but you’ve got to learn how to handle this job. You’ve got to be just as beautiful and sexy for the first date of the week as you are for the last date of the week. That’s why on the weekends or between work times, however my schedule works out, I pamper myself with spa treatments and other luxuries. It’s my way of just chilling out and letting the past week just slip calmly away. Massages work great for that too.”
Karina believes that you have to be your own best friend to get anywhere in the world. “It all starts when you love yourself,” she says. “These days, when you’re trying to be about yourself, just take care of you, people tell you that you’re selfish. They tell you that there must be something wrong with you if you’re looking out for number one. Well, where do you think that will leave you if you’re always taking care of other people, and never yourself? You’ve got to take care of yourself or you’ll run down and find yourself falling apart pretty fast. And then what happens to you? You’ll be pretty much useless to everyone, and nobody wants or needs that. Honestly, you’ve got to really just buckle down and center yourself once in a while. I read about this famous person who spends the first five minutes of every morning just being. He doesn’t check emails, doesn’t think about his troubles, and he doesn’t get wrapped up in the day to come… he just relaxes and is grateful for his life. We could all do with a little daily morning ritual like that.”
Karina is a sexy, flirty girl with a naughty side that she loves to indulge. “I’ve never been one to hold back,” she admits. “I don’t believe in giving in to inhibitions. Inhibitions are what exist to stop us from having fun. I don’t like to avoid fun. I do just the opposite, all the time. If you want to truly enjoy your life, if you want to be able to look back without regret, you’ve got to embrace that sense of fun and adventure. I guess you could call me an adventurer because of that. I’m never going to change. Not now, and not ever.”
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