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Tiana, 26

A little bit about me

Effervescent, sensual, erudite, and indulgent; the type of woman you think about long after you part ways. My dazzling smile and soft curves draw you in while my warm laugh and satin skin invite you to stay for we will explore your desires and spoil one another, after all, you deserve the best of the best. A multi-faceted date, I shift seamlessly from a baseball game to a night on the town to breakfast in bed. My highly sought-after dinner date and overnight experiences are perfect for those who crave intimacy and authenticity without any of those pesky strings. My favorite type of man is the man who knows what he wants so do not hesitate to reach out so we can plan your dream date. I look forward to leaving you wanting more. XOXO, Tiana

Personal Details

Age 26

Call me

1(801) 923-8434

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