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Joanna, 25

A little bit about me

Ciao Amore,

I’m Joanna Jaxxx, your sensual muse; welcome to my world of rapture. As your erotic companion you’ll find me to be as sweet and charming as I am beautiful. Well traveled and college educated; there’s substance to my soul beyond my physical allure.

I’m an elegant date for a night on the town, and a sultry seductress within the intimacy of the boudoir. My sparkling blue eyes and brilliant smile serve as a prelude to my curvaceous athletic physique.

In my private life I enjoy a very active lifestyle. I enjoy the meditative benefits of yoga and the rush of a great workout. Mental stimulation is just as important. I’m continually immersing myself in a good read, or out and about exploring new destinations and experiencing different cultures. But beyond my personal interests, I’m fascinated with learning new things and experiencing great moments in the company of a well cultured man. I’ll be all yours if you allow me to. The elegance of grace comes with privileges worthy of your naughtiest fantasies.

Your willing temptress,


Personal Details

Age 25

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1(202) 888-4227

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