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Lilith, 29

A little bit about me

About me I'm Lilith. Pleased to meet you. A small, fiery, sensuous creature, probably born from the motes that dance in the rays of sunlight in dusty, ancient libraries. Or perhaps in the center of a peony in someone’s beloved garden. A bit cutesy and quirky, as I've been told. I'm determined and fervently pursue what I desire. I grew up in the midwest, and so, imbibed with that sweet girl charm, love for cozy sweaters, and soft snowfall. I was drawn to NYC several years ago, and have been intoxicated with its energy ever me be the excitement in your is the last time you felt Seen When you felt held by someone's presenceWhen your body felt like a live wire, a smile curved upon your lips at the thought of them I want to discover the deeper parts of you, make you feel valued, remind you of the little things we overlook. Burst into laughter with me. Curl your fingers around mine and indulge.

Personal Details

Age 29

Call me

1(347) 694-5410

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